Vista la situazione tra Ukraina e Russia, abbiamo deciso di provare a contattare le Guide Ucraine e capire la reale situazione attraverso un’intervista. Ecco la mail inviata in inglese…. sperando di ricevere risposta.

Dear Sofia,

we found your website and contacts ( through the WAGGS web site as AGESCI is part of the WAGGS as well.

We are a group of Italian girl guides based in a little city close to Varese, more specificaly we are the fox squad from Valle Olona 1, zone Ticino Olona in Lombardy.
At the moment, we are working on a jounalist project: we have an online website in which we talk about our activities as a scout group as well as current events.

We would like to write about your direct and personal experience on the situation in Ukraine, to better understand what is happening there from your witness and if there is anything we can do to help with as scout. We greatly adimire your spirit of unity and your fortitude and braveness in this tragic situation.

We hope that you may spend a little bit of your time in a short interview with one of our girls. We could organize either a video call or a written interview sent via eMail.

We hope you can manage giving us an interview (given the time being), and thank you in advance for the time you shall spend for us.  Please, find our website address as follow:

Looking forward to receiving your answer soon,

Fox Squad

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